Johndrow Vineyards – Getting to then Give

[caption id="attachment_1496" align="alignnone" width="398" caption=" "Above the Fog", oil on canvas, Ann Rea ©"] "Above the Fog", oil on canvas, Ann Rea ©[/caption] So many of my art patrons, like the owners of Jondrow Vineyards, are successful self-made entrepreneurs.  And it always inspires me to learn how many of them are generous and charitable, not only with their money but with their time. Maryann and David Johndrow support Ally’s House through Jondrow Vineyards’ profits. The mission and purpose of Ally’s House is in helping Oklahoma kids and their families get through the difficult journey when a child is diagnosed with cancer. When I asked David why this particular charity appealed to him he said that it was because the families and children burdened with the trials of cancer were suffering by “no fault” of their own. When I reflect on this burden, that can happen by no fault of one's own, I can’t help but to feel fortunate and grateful for the relative ease of my daily life.  Then I'm inspired to soon be in a position where I too can give more. When my company’s advisory board questioned my current goal to gross over $1 million annually I replied, “Because I want to sail in a very sound financial lifeboat so that I can then throw out life savers to others.  I want to get there so that I can give.” As a first generation American I’m very aware of my parent’s sacrifice to leave England for a better economic future. They left behind their family and their culture. So this is also why I in part feel a privileged responsibility to manifest financial success. I'm also aware that my parents probably did not think that my choosing to attend art school was the best economic plan. In the meantime, I do what I can to give back with Giving Forward. Each quarter Ann Rea, Inc. sponsors a non-profit organization. They receive one-half of the sales proceeds of each "Giving Forward" print purchased at I formed this out of my particular interest in supporting organizations that help preserve the beauty and health of our natural environment or that promote the health and well being of women and children. Giving and receiving.  It's really what life is all about.
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