Right Brain Left Brain

[caption id="attachment_751" align="alignleft" width="550" caption="San Francisco based Artist & CEO"]San Francisco based Artist & CEO[/caption] The demands of building a creative business can often leave me feeling pulled in two very different directions.  I must attend to the need to continue to build my business and to attract new collectors while I yearn to spend more time painting.  These two pursuits can’t be completed at the same time and each deserves and requires my undivided attention.  And it’s a complete understatement to say that each require a different gear in my head, the left brain to the right brain. It’s no secret to those who know me that I devote a lot of time to the marketing end of my enterprise.  Why?  So that my business can thrive and so that I can spend more and more uninterrupted time painting. And I genuinely enjoy the marketing side of things.  That’s why I started ArtistsWhoTHRIVE, where I conduct marketing seminars to artists and I offer individual coaching and consulting to artists across the globe two Mondays each month.  In fact, UC Berkeley phoned today to invite me to teach my artist marketing workshops. And today the head of the Small Businesses Development Center in Oakland informed me that he’s seeking funding for an ongoing series and that a reporter wants to interview me about the record breaking workshop I conducted last month. I’m excited and happy that I can now announce a number of strategic partnerships with Meadowood Resort, and Beautiful Places Luxury Villa Rentals and Epicurean Adventures.  And the good news is that more alliances are in the works.  As I align more strategic partnerships I’ll have my wish to spend much more time painting. By leveraging these relationships with strategic partners I can give their clients a completely unique and memorable experience with my new program “Savor the Colors of the Moment”, more to details to follow.  And I can reach my goal of being booked solid one to two years in advance with commissions and corporate and private sponsorships to fund new series and creative directions.  Then I'll be spending more time on the right side.
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