Making Sense of Sparkling

[caption id="attachment_1544" align="alignnone" width="400" caption=""Tearing Vines" Unveiling at the To Kalon Gala"]"Tearing Vines" Unveiling at the To Kalon Gala[/caption] Three weeks ago I was in Manhattan for the unveiling of my painting "Dreamy Aspens" at a press event sponsored for the Montage Deer Valley Residences. The day before, I was in sunny NYC traipsing around with my friend Meg who insisted that we go to her favorite boutique. I had already decided that I wasn’t going to buy anything. I didn’t have any more room in my suitcase. But then I spotted a very dark hand beaded grey silk gown in the very corner of the room.  Okay.  What the heck?  Maybe? It fit like a dream. I was sure the weight of the beads on this gown would put my luggage over the weight limit.  But my friend Meg insisted that I get it.  “Every woman needs some sparkle!”  Of course, she's right. The following week I worked in jeans and a tee-shirt as one of the lovely ladies at Robert Mondavi Winery helped me hang twelve original oil painting studies in the Vineyard Room in preparation for the To Kalon Gala where we planned the unveiling of “Tearing Vines”, an Experience of Art for Cheryl and Dave Copham. After the To Kalon vineyard painting studies where hung, and the large custom painting was draped in black velvet, I poured myself into my new sparkling silk gown and sauntered down to the barrel room to join the arriving guests. The lovely lady who was helping me earlier passed me a glass of  sparkling wine.  I thanked her for helping hang my paintings but she didn't even recognize me. I laughed.  It was either the change of dress or change of context. Carl Jaeger, the MC for the evening was planning to introduce me, and the To Kalon vineyard painting series, so he needed to interview me before all of the guests arrived.  He asked about my first visit to Robert Mondavi Winery. I shared a very clear recollection.  I was visiting Robert Mondavi Winery with my family shortly after graduating from art school.  I remember vividly standing in the parking lot and placing my foot on the curb.  At that moment I experienced a sensation from the future sparkling within.  The thought struck me that I would return to this place in a memorable way. I shared this thought with my family and they tilted their heads sideways and dismissed me.  I knew that it didn’t “make sense” but neither does wanting to live in San Francisco and paint for a living nor does buying a long silk hand beaded dress when there’s no room in your suitcase. If I have learned one thing it is that making sense is overrated. Sparkling silk, sparkling wine, sparkles in our cement sidewalks, the sparkle in your eyes.  These are the moments that we live for.
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